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A Stupid Fool,Dumb & Smart All at the Same Time? Is There a Difference Between The Two? Yes If You're an Educated Idiot.

Updated on September 22, 2011

I'm With Stupid! EQ vs IQ

Have you ever met an intelligent fool: A person gifted or talented in all ways but common sense and/or emotional maturity? How can a person have an exceptional capacity for knowledge but no personal insight? What do you think, can someone be both intelligent and stupid at the same time? I believe the answer is ‘Yes’!

Education or the successful acquisition of knowledge and the ability to remember and regurgitate facts is important for business and industry. These are necessary skills and are highly prized - world round, however ‘head’ knowledge does not necessarily guarantee success. I believe education in the wrong hands can be a dangerous combination. Past and present history supports this assertion.

On the other hand, there are intelligent people who are harmless to everyone but themselves. This could include the person who is a gifted mathematician, business owner, teacher, mechanical engineer, artist, or any other profession, yet they repeatedly find themselves trapped in unhealthy personal relationships falling victim & easy prey for those skilled in taking advantage of others. Many times this is ‘chalked up’ to past abuse, poor upbringing & habits, or emotional instability. This may be true in many instances but there can be another issue at work, lower EQ despite their higher IQ.

IQ vs. EQ - I KNOW what IQ is, what is EQ?

EQ is an acronym for Emotional Quotient also known as Emotional Intelligence. While IQ can give a quantitative value for a person’s ability to problem solve, remember facts, figures, & information, EQ can help estimate a person’s qualitative ability to survive, problems solve real life situations, and create circumstances for success in life. A person who is NOT exceptionally gifted with the traditional definition of intelligence (measured by IQ) may find they are able to prosper beyond the abilities of so called 'geniuses' as defined by IQ - when given similar obstacles and setbacks in life.

Maybe you know an individual who has risen from the ash heaps life dealt them, struggled through years of turmoil as children or teens, yet with limited resources or encouragement ‘found’ a successful and prosperous way of life despite it all? I know several of these individuals. They create and maintain an admirable level of 'success' in life.

The elusive ideal of SUCCESS - I am not equating large cash reserves with success. On the contrary many emotionally bankrupt people have lots of money. Cold hard cash can buy education but it can’t by wisdom or EQ. This is gained through experience or by a natural capacity to survive and succeed. A successful marriage, well adjusted children, stable & enriched lifestyle, love & spirituality that is both fulfilling and rewarding: these are the things that really matter and are a great example of success in life.

When the end is reached and our short 70 to 100 year journey here on earth is complete, these are the things which legendary success is measured by. This is the kind of success that reaches out to impact the world. Not many will enjoy the Rockefeller millions but everyone will benefit from the impact that Martin Luther King, JFK, Florence Nightingale, Billy Graham, and Oprah Winfrey (yes Oprah) have in our lives. The measure of their EQ and humanitarian deeds have changed the tide of history in a positive manner and create success for us all. Yes, some of their success is influenced by their ability to fund their deeds, others are funded by the value of their lives - priceless.

I’m With Stupid: Which one is stupid? The high IQ lower EQ or the High EQ lower IQ individual? As derogatory and degrading as this may sound, there remains an unmistakable level of truth. Which would you prefer on your team?

Fortunately the old saying is true: 'Two heads are better than one'. Both can benefit greatly from learning and appreciating their counterparts; leaning on the strengths of each other. When we gain a greater understanding of the importance of appreciating intelligence in all of its forms - not just measured by IQ, the possibilities for greater success can increase. The mixture of creative problem solvers with those highly knowledgeable in facts and figures can benefit any team, whether in the job market, social organization, or ministry groups. Like a successful marriage, the combination of the two is a beautiful thing. Imagine the possibilities for the future of our country when we make real advances towards the cultivation and assessment of excellence in problem solving, critical thinking, and creative abilities balanced by the important need for learning & recalling information. It is important to engage higher learning in the traditional form, but the addition of EQ related learning can also benefit us all.

If you're interested in finding YOUR EQ or cultivating your EQ and/or IQ, there are many FREE resources on the web. Try completing a simple search for EI or EQ Free tests, or feel free to comment here for suggestions.

"If any of you is deficient in wisdom, let him ask of the giving God [Who gives] to everyone liberally and ungrudgingly, without reproaching or faultfinding, and it will be given him." ( James 1:5)

"Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart".... Alan Alda

"Character is higher than intellect. A great soul will be strong to live as well as think"...Ralph Waldo Emerson


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